
American Law Label

Untangling the Web for American Law Label

Intuitive web design can make even the most complex websites easy to navigate. For the compliance experts at American Law Label, Kicks rebuilt their site from the ground up to work better for users and ALL’s team alike.



A Brand Evolution, Not a Revolution

There’s no substitute for brand recognition. American Law Label has been in the biz for decades, so their logo is instantly recognizable as a trusted partner in compliance. Rather than start design from the ground up, we kept what was working and optimized it for the modern age.

First up, a high-res logo file to fit all physical and digital marketing needs. We also updated ALL’s approach to photography to lean on lifestyle photos that complement simple, clear messaging on print ads and web banners.

The last piece of the puzzle was to design combination logos and other elements to help American Law Label play nice with their sister brands when they appear together on tradeshow collateral.

Kicks Web Design

No Code, No Problem

American Law Label is the authority in their field, so their resources and learning center are a pillar for the industry.One major goal of the new site was to optimize how ALL adds content to their website, keeping it the leading source of information for their industry.

Kicks built an intuitive tool that makes it easy for the ALL team to add new products, services and blog posts. We created a custom post type in WordPress that allows any member of the team to input, edit and expand pages without having to mess around with code.

Web Design

With alignment on brand, audience and U/X, Kicks set up Risers For You for a big leap forward.

Risers For U/X

Selling a clean, simple product is only as clean and simple as your e-comm site. When we redesigned Risers’ website, we did it with a simple user experience in mind — especially considering the older end of the audience spectrum.

By leveraging WooCommerce, we helped Risers offer a customized shopping experience for their range of products. Users can easily filter to find the right leg shape, finish and size for their furniture.

Freaky Fast Forms

The biggest win for the user experience was building out a unified order/reorder form. On the previous site, forms were scattered across various pages — a bit of a nightmare for users to track down, and an even bigger nightmare for ALL to manage on the back end.

The danger of “do it all” forms is that they tend to feel bloated and unwieldy since they handle so many different types of requests. To make sure the user experience stays simple and clean, the Kicks-built form leans on conditional logic to tidy things up.

ALL’s single new form quickly identifies where the user is along the customer journey and automatically cuts out irrelevant fields. Users never have to see questions that are irrelevant to their requests, and ALL doesn’t have to sift through dozens of unfilled fields to fulfill an order.

Content Marketing Marches On

Law labels are complex stuff. Between regulatory updates, how-to guides and industry news, there are tons of topics that American Law Label’s clients need to know about. Our monthly blog series provides that ongoing education for clients, and provides a nice SEO boost for the ALL site.

Since the subject matter is so complex, we’ve built a great working relationship with the ALL team to handle content marketing needs. After Kicks dives deep into independent research on the topic, we collaboratively edit each blog to reflect the most recent (and upcoming) legislation.

In addition to the blog, ALL leans on Kicks to produce monthly newsletters and announcements. We whipped up predefined templates to ensure brand consistency, no matter who on the ALL side needs to hop in and fire off a communication.

Content Marketing
Wanted to thank you guys for another job well done thematically, narratively, programmatically, and I’m sure other words too. Site looks awesome. Really nice work, on a nice budget, in a timely manner.
Derrick Dilts, Co-Founder

About American Law Label

American Law Label is the industry leader in law label design, printing, and auditing for stuffed articles. With industry-leading 72-hour turnaround time, they guarantee fast, accurate service and complete peace of mind that your law labels will comply with all current labeling laws.

Your modern, easily navigable website starts at Kicks Digital Marketing. Let’s do this thing.

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