
Spring Clean Your Website Content: SEO Update Time

Apr 16th, 2021 Marketing, SEO

Spring is here and we have been talking a lot about doing a digital cleanup. This includes your paid ads and your marketing content. But, what do you do with that giant website that’s been sitting around collecting digital dust? That’s what we are here to help you figure out. If it’s been a few years since your site build or you have no clue what SEO is, it’s time for an audit. 

Here are a few ways to know it’s time for an SEO spring cleaning session (and what an SEO spring cleaning session is).

What is it?

Let’s start with the basics. SEO stands for search engine optimization. It’s a deep subject with lots of layers that can be a whole blog in itself...in fact, it is and you can read it here. But, an audit is what we perform when we know a client isn’t ranking on Google. 

By looking at your site content, your keywords, your images, your links, and your competition, we can make suggestions on how to best optimize your site. This means after time you could search “Ways to announce your new website” and you may just see your favorite Indianapolis marketers popping up first. 

Where to start?

What are your goals for your business and what services do you offer? This is the perfect place to start when auditing your SEO. If you want to be the best Chimney Sweep in Indianapolis but your site only mentions being a Chimney Sweep twice, it’s time to re-evaluate. 

Sit down with a pen and paper (and maybe a glass of wine) and map out who you are and what you do. This will be what you want people to know you for. 

Then, head to the site and take a look at your content. How much content do you have? So much it’s overwhelming? Or, so little you can’t tell what you do? Decide what is no longer relevant and what needs to be added to. 

If you have your Google Analytics setup you can go here as well to track user behavior and page views. This will tell you what pages your visitors are finding and how long they are staying. Then, look at why they are finding that specific page. Does the page talk about something specific? Does it have a lot of copy or images? These are all factors to well-performing SEO. 

So what next?

Once you have your thoughts organized, or at least written down, it’s time to take action.

My biggest suggestion is to come to us. We are ready and have the software available to make educated decisions that won’t be a waste of time. We will take you through a process of research to find what keywords will best help you rank. Then, we will help to rework your copy and fix any back-end issues that could prevent you from ranking.

Second, give it time. SEO is not an overnight change. It will take time and work to rank for keywords, especially in a field with lots of competition. You may be on the second or third or fourth page of Google search results for your services’ specific keyword. That’s okay! We’ve been there too. It can be frustrating at first, but trust the process. These things really do take time and effort.

Third, keep working at it. This isn’t a one-and-done situation. Google will consistently change who they favor and what they favor. We can schedule to do these audits on your site once a year and keep you in the loop on changes we need to be making. 

Finally, start a blog. Generally, on your site, we can only really target one keyword at a time without making the whole thing sound bad or not genuine. Blogs however are like a loophole. Each blog can target its own keyword. Google loves to see new and consistent additions in content too - so this is hitting two goals in one piece of copy. Not a big writer? Don’t worry. We are.

So, if you’re looking at your website thinking you still don’t really know what a keyword is and if you are targeting any, let us know. We are ready to help you clean up your site and get ranking.

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